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LAST QUARTER ENDED WITH 77% YOY GROWTH - In: all, last published

Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : MMF Data : 01 Feb 2023

2022 iwas the year of transformation in EUROCOMMERCE. At that time, we launched new delivery channels, changed the way our warehouse works, and launched dedicated sections for products with specificities that differ from the standard nature of e-commerce.

Thanks to these changes, we can take on challenges solving problems of online stores in a way that is even more tailored to the customer's needs. Like all changes, these also initially aroused uncertainty, but the results closing the year leave no illusions - it was worth it.

What results are you talking about?

Our operation is verified by the amount of customer orders we deliver. Comparing year-on-year, in 2022 we noticed:

  • 2022 Q4 to 2021 Q4 - increase by 77% in the number of items sent,
  • 2022 Q4 to 2022 Q3 - increase by 32% in the number of items sent.

What does this mean? In the last quarter, a key one in the e-commerce industry, we significantly increased the level of orders shipped, compared to the same period of the previous year. We keep up with the development of e-commerce and are a reliable partner for stores that want to develop.

The jump in the fourth quarter compared to the third quarter is a natural effect of the peak of orders during the holiday season. It is always the hottest time in the entire industry, when the quality of service is verified, e.g. in logistic centers. Have we passed this test? As an answer, let us use the message that our Customer Service has received in recent days. Thank you for permission to publish!

„… I have to admit that we are very impressed with the level of service provided by EUROCOMMERCE this season.

We cooperate with many warehouses in Europe and your company coped best with all during such a hot period of the year.

Great appreciation for the customer service department - Ms. Marta and Ania, who showed amazing skills in B2B cooperation. All issues were dealt with immediately, cooperation ran without any problems. One of the highest levels of service I have encountered in my 10 years of experience in the e-commerce industry.”

CEO Polain Group S. L.

2022 iwas the year of transformation in EUROCOMMERCE. At that time, we launched new delivery channels, changed the way our warehouse works, and launched

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Fulfillment: what real business benefits does it bring? Introduction to fulfillment: key aspects and role in e-commerce

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