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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024


The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient shipment fulfillment is effective order picking.

What does the picking process in a warehouse entail? What are the methods of picking and what devices support this process?

In this text, you will find a set of the most important information on this topic

What is order picking?

Order picking is the process of collecting products from their location in the warehouse. It is carried out according to the list from the order or orders placed by the customer in the webshop. The aim of the picking process is to prepare the order for dispatch, minimising errors while maximising efficiency. The process involves several key stages: identifying the products, retrieving them from their storage locations (so-called storage addresses), completing the order, protecting it against transport, i.e. packing it and releasing it for shipment.

The activities carried out during the order picking and securing stages take place in the picking area. This is the area in the warehouse where the products of the individual orders are collected together, i.e. picked.

Modern methods of order picking in the warehouse

There are several order picking methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In practice, the most common methods are:

  • Unit picking (piece picking) - a method involving the collection of individual units ordered by the customer. This is the most time-consuming method, but allows a high degree of flexibility.
  • Batch picking - collecting several orders at the same time in order to optimise the route through the warehouse. Increases efficiency, but requires precise organisation.
  • Wave picking - a method that combines the characteristics of unit picking and batch picking, allowing orders to be picked in waves, which allows for better management of time and resources.
  • Zone picking - the warehouse is divided into zones and workers are responsible for specific areas. Each order is picked by several employees, which reduces picking time.
  • Picking using carousel systems and conveyors - products are delivered directly to the employee's workstation. Carousel systems, with their rotating shelves, automatically move the relevant products within easy reach, eliminating the need to move around the warehouse. Conveyors, on the other hand, transport goods on special belts, ensuring a continuous flow of products to where they are needed, which significantly reduces order picking times.
  • Pick and pack picking - a method of order picking that allows products to be prepared simultaneously for several orders at once. The products are picked and packed and then transported to the dispatch area. Printed lists are used here, ensuring accuracy and orderliness in the order picking process.
  • Pick-by-light picking - operators use intelligent light systems that indicate the exact location of products using lamps and screens. This makes the process of finding goods faster and more efficient, significantly speeding up order picking and increasing productivity.

Types of picking in the warehouse

When analysing this topic, it is worth noting that order picking methods can also differ due to the technical means of order picking. Depending on the specific characteristics of the warehouse and the type of products stored, we can distinguish different types of picking:

  • Manual picking - most often used in smaller warehouses or where the products are fragile and need to be handled carefully.
  • Semi-automated picking - uses technology to support the process, such as forklift trucks with navigation systems or conveyor belts.
  • Automated picking - fully automated systems such as warehouse robots that pick products without human intervention.

What does efficient order picking look like?

Efficient picking is one that minimises the time and cost involved in the process, while ensuring a high quality customer experience from the order received. Key to effective picking are the following process features:

  • Accuracy - accurately picking all products ordered, without errors.
  • Speed - reduced picking times through route optimisation and the use of modern technology, scheduling the routes of workers picking products.
  • Flexibility - ability to adapt quickly to changing orders and market conditions.
  • Automation - implementation of supporting systems such as WMS (Warehouse Management System) or warehouse robots.

Picking aids

Today's warehouses use a number of devices to support the picking process. The more complex the warehouse, the greater the number of these aids. The most common picking aids include conveyor:

  • belts that automatically transport products between different areas of the warehouse,
  • barcode scanners and RFID, which facilitate product identification and control over the picking process, minimising the likelihood of human error,
  • warehouse robots that automate the process of collecting and transporting products from their location in the warehouse to the picking area.

The introduction of each of these solutions involves specific investments. Their introduction is usually determined by the size of the warehouse facility, but also by the level of automation in the country's logistics industry. They significantly support the process of efficient order picking, but without properly designed processes in the logistics centre, it will not meet the expected standards.

Order picking is a key process in warehouse logistics, which requires appropriate planning, technology and organisation of logistical work and processes. The choice of appropriate methods and equipment can significantly affect the efficiency and quality of customer service, which is particularly important in the rapidly growing e-commerce market, but only the combination of these facilities with experienced management guarantees success.

At EUROCOMMERCE, we achieve an error-free rate of 99.9% when processing orders, handling an average of 5,000 orders per day. This is a result across all our locations, covering a variety of customer logistics handling methods.

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  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : last published, News Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 10 Jun 2024

IT systems are now an integral part of warehouse logistics. They are the foundation of effective process management in this area. The use of advanced IT technologies allows the automation, optimisation and integration of various logistics activities, which translates into increased efficiency, reduced costs and improved customer service.

Functions of IT systems in logistics

IT systems used in logistics cover a wide range of functions that support various aspects of supply chain management. The most important of these include WMS, OMS and TMS, as well as ERP and CRM systems. Why this division?

It is based on the area of focus of such a system. Hence the division between systems focused strictly on logistics and those more business-oriented, which also have an impact on your customer's final impression of satisfaction (or not).

IT systems in the warehouse

There are systems without which it is difficult to manage a warehouse effectively. And even e-commerce logistics carried out in the fulfilment model is out of the question. These include areas such as warehouse management, transport management and order management.

What are the IT systems in the warehouse?

Warehouse management systems (WMS) - Warehouse management systems (WMS) are, in the most general terms, warehouse management systems. They automate warehouse processes such as goods receipt, storage, order picking and dispatch. This enables precise inventory management, optimal use of storage space and minimisation of errors.

Transport management system (TMS). - TMS (Transportation Management System) optimises the processes involved in transporting goods. They make it possible to plan routes, control transport costs and monitor deliveries in real time. This enables companies to shorten delivery times, reduce costs and increase punctuality of deliveries.

Order management systems (OMS)-Order management systems (OMS) coordinate processes related to the receipt and fulfilment of orders. They integrate data from different sales channels, allowing for efficient order management, inventory control and automation of order fulfilment,

Business systems worth implementing

Here, two solutions are certainly worth mentioning. The first is the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, which integrates the different departments of a company, enabling the management of resources, production, sales and finances from one central system. In the context of logistics, ERP supports inventory management, production planning and the optimisation of logistics processes.

Another is responsible for customer relationship management (CRM).
By integrating CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems with other IT systems, customer relationships can be better managed, communications can be planned and supervised and sales processes can be supported. As a result, companies can build lasting relationships with customers and increase customer satisfaction.

Integration of IT systems

The integration of different IT systems plays a key role in achieving maximum efficiency. At EUROCOMMERCE, we propose linking our customers' systems with our OMS, which enables comprehensive management of orders, deliveries and stock levels.

How does communication work in this case?

  • from the customer's system to ours (downloading orders, stocks, products),
  • from our system to the customer's (order status, stock update, tracking number).

This makes it possible to manage all logistics processes efficiently and effectively.

Benefits of implementing these systems in the warehouse

The implementation of IT systems in logistics brings a number of benefits that translate into improved operational efficiency and company competitiveness:

  1. Process automation - the integration of different systems eliminates the need for manual data entry, thereby reducing the risk of errors and speeding up order processing. For example, WMS systems use technologies such as barcodes or RFID to quickly locate and track goods.
  2. Inventory optimisation, which, thanks to advanced algorithms in ERP and WMS systems, enables automatic generation of order proposals based on analysis of historical sales data and current market trends. This makes it possible to maintain optimum stock levels and minimise costs associated with excess inventory.
  3. Improved customer service through integration of the CRM system with other IT systems. This step allows better planning and monitoring of communication and handling of sales processes. As a result, ecoms can build lasting relationships with customers and increase customer satisfaction.
  4. Effective transport management thanks to TMS, which enable planning the most cost-effective transport routes, controlling costs and monitoring shipments in real time. This translates into increased delivery efficiency and reduced transport expenses.

Practical application of IT systems

The implementation of IT systems in logistics and warehousing brings tangible benefits. Examples of companies that have implemented such solutions show that it is possible, thanks to them, to reduce lead times, increase the accuracy of warehouse operations and make better use of storage space.

IT systems in logistics and warehousing are an indispensable part of modern companies. They allow the optimisation of processes, reduction of costs and increased satisfaction of order recipients. Modern IT solutions such as WMS, ERP, TMS, OMS and CRM support supply chain management at every stage, contributing to building a competitive advantage in a dynamically changing market.

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IT systems are now an integral part of warehouse logistics. They are the foundation of effective process management in this area. The use of

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 14 May 2024

E-commerce has grown significantly in importance. Global trade no longer takes place only at the corporate level, but also among end customers purchasing goods on sales platforms. Logistics has become a key element of cross-border sales. This applies not only to small, easily transportable goods, but also to bulky goods such as furniture. The XXL logistics offered by EUROCOMMERCE focuses on the delivery of furniture and other oversized goods without transshipment. Above all, it provides convenience for the end customer.

Customised services

We offer specialised logistics services that allow large items to be delivered directly to the customer's home. This is a unique approach that eliminates the risk of damage to goods during handling, typical of traditional courier transport methods. On the other hand, the delivery time is similar to what a courier would offer. Working with EUROCOMMERCE means that products are delivered ‘to the kerbside’, meaning that the goods are left directly at the recipient's home.

Development and adaptation in response to market needs

EUROCOMMERCE is continually investing in the development of its services. This year, the company has tripled the size of its warehouse in response to the growing demand for bulky shipments. This expansion has made it possible to increase the number of logistics operations and maintain a high quality of service, even in the case of increased load.

One of the pillars of EUROCOMMERCE's success is the digitalisation of processes. This makes logistics processes faster and more efficient, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and reduced delivery times.

The importance of XXL logistics in e-commerce

Modern furniture logistics has to cope with the challenges of shipment sizes. EUROCOMMERCE XXL proves that the delivery of large furniture and other oversized goods can be just as efficient as a standard courier delivery. The security of the transported goods and their direct delivery to the end customer guarantees optimum protection and satisfaction.

XXL logistics, offered by EUROCOMMERCE, opens up new opportunities for retailers in the difficult German market and beyond. It is an opportunity to reach new customers, diversify risks and increase margins. Thanks to state-of-the-art technological solutions and the constant adaptation of our services to the dynamically changing needs of the market, EUROCOMMERCE is becoming a key partner for companies wishing to expand their e-commerce and XXL logistics activities.

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E-commerce has grown significantly in importance. Global trade no longer takes place only at the corporate level, but also among end customers purchasing goods

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 22 Apr 2024

The fulfilment industry is on the threshold of significant change, shaped by consumer expectations, the dynamic development of technology and the ongoing transformation of global e-commerce. Not every company is ready for them. In this text, we summarise the key lessons from our experience in the fulfillment area and identify future developments that could prove decisive in shaping the sector further.

Flexibility and scalability: the foundations of modern fulfilment

The first important lesson is that in today's fast-changing markets, companies that are ready for change and can easily adapt to new requirements come out on top. The ability to quickly adapt the volume of production or the type of services offered not only helps to reduce costs, but also to better serve customers.

Technology at the forefront of efficiency

The second important lesson relates to the role technology plays in shaping the future direction of fulfilment. Automation, advanced supply chain optimisation algorithms or solutions based on artificial intelligence are opening up new opportunities to increase operational efficiency. The integration of these modern tools can significantly reduce lead times, lower operational costs and minimise margins of error.

Lessons from the fulfilment industry. Sustainability as an imperative

The third area we are considering for the future direction of fulfillment is sustainability. Environmentally friendly initiatives, such as reducing CO2 emissions, optimising delivery routes or using recycled materials in packaging, are becoming increasingly important. Companies that implement sustainable practices not only build a positive brand image, but also contribute to lower operating costs through more efficient use of resources.

Digitalisation and personalisation: the future of the sector

Among the future directions of fulfilment, the further digitalisation of processes and the drive towards personalisation of the offering occupy a key position. The development of technology enables companies not only to automate and optimise processes, but also to take an individual approach to each customer's needs. This in turn can increase customer loyalty and opens up new growth opportunities.

Developments in fulfilment

Lessons from the fulfilment industry are a response to changes in the industry. Companies that successfully integrate new solutions and strategies will not only be able to meet the growing demands of the market, but also contribute to shaping a more sustainable future of e-commerce. Future trends in the development of fulfilment herald a time of intense change, both in terms of the technologies used and the approach to process and customer relationship management.

At EUROCOMMERCE, since 2016, we have been building processes that allow us to adapt to the changing market and develop operational capabilities to serve customers who ship their goods both domestically and across our western border. Thanks to these unique competences, at a time when some logistics companies are being forced to wind down their operations in the fulfilment market, the continuation of our business is unthreatened and our customers are growing.

Are you looking for a partner with whom you can build a stable business, without having to face the challenges of searching for a new location for your warehouse at short notice?
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The fulfilment industry is on the threshold of significant change, shaped by consumer expectations, the dynamic development of technology and the ongoing transformation of

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 08 Mar 2024

automation in fulfillment in the future - trends in warehousing

Competition in the e-commerce market is greater than ever before, and customers expect fast and flawless service. The role of automation in the future of fulfillment is becoming crucial.
The automation of warehousing and logistics is speeding up processes, enabling companies to significantly reduce operating costs.

The rise of robotics

Warehouse robotics is already playing a significant role in the automation of fulfillment processes, and its importance will only grow. Robots, such as autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), are changing the face of warehouses, increasing labour efficiency and minimising the need for human intervention. The next few years are predicted to bring even greater integration of robotic systems, enabling even faster and more accurate order picking.

Developments in artificial intelligence leading to automation in fulfillment

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are having an increasing impact on fulfillment processes. With its ability to analyse large amounts of data, AI can predict purchasing trends, optimise inventories and automatically adapt logistics processes to changing conditions. In the future, we can expect AI systems to be even better at predicting product demand and automatically managing warehouse inventory, significantly reducing the time and costs associated with fulfillment processing.

Personalisation of the customer experience

Automation enables not only the optimisation of internal processes, but also the personalisation of the customer experience. Advanced warehouse management systems (WMS) allow for rapid customisation of offerings, from personalising packaging to customising delivery methods. In the future, further developments in technology will enable companies to offer even more personalised and flexible fulfilment options, further enhancing customer satisfaction.

Sustainability and ecology

Sustainability and ecological issues are becoming increasingly important in the context of fulfilment. Automation offers the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint by optimising delivery routes, reducing waste and managing energy in warehouses more efficiently. Future innovations in automation are likely to have an even greater focus on environmental aspects, enabling companies not only to reduce costs but also to operate sustainably.

Automation of fulfilment is the inevitable future of the logistics and e-commerce industry. Trends point to the increasing importance of robotics, artificial intelligence, personalisation of offers and sustainability. Companies that invest in these technologies will not only be able to significantly increase their competitiveness, but will also be able to better respond to growing customer expectations. In the coming years, we can expect further innovations that will further revolutionise the world of fulfilment.

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Competition in the e-commerce market is greater than ever before, and customers expect fast and flawless service. The role of automation in the future

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 21 Feb 2024

International fulfillment, which is order management for e-commerce on a global scale, is a key element in the growth of companies in the era of digitalization and market globalization. This service enables the efficient distribution of products beyond the country's borders, which is particularly important for developing industries such as fashion and cosmetics, where returns can constitute a significant amount of transactions. Discover the challenges associated with international fulfillment.

Key aspects of choosing a fulfillment operator

Choosing the right fulfillment operator is crucial. Several aspects should be considered, such as the ability to offer customized packaging, efficient return management, proper storage conditions for goods, and warehouse infrastructure. It is important that the operator can meet the specific requirements of different industries, such as controlled temperature for food products or special racks for the fashion industry.

Outsourcing logistics activities in fulfillment

Fulfillment also involves outsourcing logistics activities, allowing companies to focus on business development, marketing, and customer service. Fulfillment services can cover the entire packing and shipping process, including inventory management, packaging of prints and promotional materials, wrapping of packages, and handling returns and complaints.

Benefits and challenges of international fulfillment

The main benefits of fulfillment services include saving time and reducing costs. Companies do not need to invest in their own warehouse spaces and bear the related costs, which is particularly important for small businesses that can thus increase their competitiveness. Additionally, fulfillment provides flexibility in resource management and allows for rapid scaling of operations, which is crucial in the dynamically changing e-commerce environment.

What does EUROCOMMERCE offer its clients?

EUROCOMMERCE has experience in facing the challenges associated with international order management. We offer customized packaging, efficient return management, proper storage conditions for goods, and advanced warehouse infrastructure. By outsourcing logistics activities with EUROCOMMERCE, companies can focus on their business development and customer service, saving time and reducing costs.

Using our services, clients can also adapt to various customs regulations and logistics challenges related to international transport. By choosing EUROCOMMERCE as their partner in international fulfillment, companies gain flexibility in resource management and the ability to quickly scale their operations to new markets. We assure our clients that their logistics operations are in good hands, minimizing risk and costs while enhancing their satisfaction and development potential in new markets.

EUROCOMMERCE tailors its services to the needs of its clients and strives to adjust its operations to the specifics of their business, not imposing conditions but instead proposing collaborative solutions.

One manifestation of this is the introduction of the EUROCOMMERCE XXL service, which enables the effective shipment of oversized parcels in a courier model from Poland to Germany, particularly useful for companies involved in furniture logistics. This service allows for direct B2C deliveries to the customer's home, eliminating the need for transshipments. As a result, clients can set delivery times by phone, providing greater convenience and efficiency in the delivery process.

More details about this service can be found HERE.

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International fulfillment, which is order management for e-commerce on a global scale, is a key element in the growth of companies in the era

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 23 Jan 2024

In recent years, sustainable development has become a key issue in the logistics and fulfillment industry, as there has been growing consideration of the potential environmental impact of fulfillment. Its main goal is to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact. This requires innovative approaches and the implementation of appropriate strategies in terms of both infrastructure and supply chains.

Pandemic - A Catalyst for Change

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unexpected benefits for the environment. In response to changing consumer behaviors, many stores have become fulfillment centers, increasing the density of parcel deliveries and promoting personal collection, which consequently reduced the carbon footprint of deliveries.

Green Fulfillment Strategy

Green fulfillment refers to the application of environmentally friendly practices in the order fulfillment and shipping process. Facing escalating ecological challenges, it becomes crucial to develop and implement strategies that reduce the carbon footprint in the logistics industry. Here are three steps that can significantly contribute to achieving this goal:

  • Smart Cartonization - This process begins at the product level. It is key to package the product in a way that minimizes space, which lowers the risk of damage, reduces material and shipping costs, and allows for more efficient vehicle loading, translating into fewer necessary transports.
  • Offering Consumers Eco-friendly Options - Consumers are increasingly looking for eco-friendly packaging and delivery options. Transparency in these practices can increase customer trust and distinguish a company from its competitors.
  • Optimizing the Final Leg of Delivery - The last leg of delivery has a significant impact on carbon dioxide emissions. More efficient coordination and consolidation of deliveries can significantly reduce emissions.

Methods to Reduce Environmental Impact

What methods of positive environmental impact should be implemented in fulfillment services? The first thing that comes to mind is the use of materials such as recycled cardboard and biodegradable plastics.

Using the smallest packaging necessary to protect the product during shipping reduces the amount of waste generated and lowers shipping costs.

Companies should provide customers with clear instructions regarding the disposal of materials used in packaging their ordered products. This must include information on recycling and composting.

Challenges and Perspectives

Changes are associated with challenges, such as balancing customer expectations for fast and convenient deliveries with environmental concerns. With the right approach, green fulfillment can be beneficial for both companies and the planet.

This is not just a trend, but a necessity from an environmental standpoint in today's e-commerce world. Investing in sustainable practices not only contributes to environmental protection but also improves the company's image in the eyes of increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. Implementing these strategies can be challenging, but it is a necessary step towards achieving a long-term sustainable future in the e-commerce industry.

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In recent years, sustainable development has become a key issue in the logistics and fulfillment industry, as there has been growing consideration of the

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 07 Dec 2023

Kiedy zarządzanie magazynem staje się wyzwaniem - jak znaleźć rozwiązanie?

Expanding an e-commerce business can be an exciting journey. However, with every step forward, new challenges arise, especially in the area of warehouse management.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexity of storage and logistics?

If so, know that you are not alone. For many entrepreneurs, warehouse management is a distracting problem from other key areas of the business.

And what if there is a way to make warehouse management simple and efficient while you can still control it?

Solutions for a Growing Company

For companies experiencing dynamic growth and looking for effective solutions without the need to expand the management staff, the answer may be simpler than you think. Outsourcing warehouse management opens the door to a world where logistics are conducted smoothly and competently, allowing you to focus on other key aspects of your business. Your warehouse does not change location but comes under the supervision of external management staff specialized in such processes.

Warehouse Management - Benefits of Outsourcing

What are the benefits of outsourcing warehouse management?

An essential element is the integration of the WMS system with existing logistical systems, ensuring fluidity and efficiency of operations. By taking responsibility for human resource management, the outsourcing company saves your time and optimizes costs while dealing with all aspects of staff management and cooperation with employment agencies. You no longer have to worry about recruitment, training, and monitoring employee performance – all this lies in the hands of an experienced external company that has been dealing with warehouse logistics for years.

Using the services of a company specializing in "in-house logistics" opens up new savings opportunities, especially in the area of transportation and courier services. Additionally, billing models tailored to your company's individual needs – such as billing based on completed operations or a transparent open book – make this cooperation even more flexible and beneficial. The decision to outsource warehouse management is not just a convenience, but a guarantee that logistics will never stand in the way of the development of your business.

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Expanding an e-commerce business can be an exciting journey. However, with every step forward, new challenges arise, especially in the area of warehouse management.

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 03 Nov 2023

Black Friday is one of the most significant events in the retail calendar, attracting crowds of customers and generating massive revenues. For many companies, it's a moment that can determine their annual results. That's why preparation for this special period, which now typically extends into the entire Cyber Week, begins long before the actual event.

Preparation for Black Friday starts with a thorough analysis of the previous season.

Analysis of the Previous Period and Reflection

This is the time to examine both the processes and systems that were used. It's worth considering what went well and what could have been done better. Root cause analysis allows you to identify the source of problems and errors that occurred during previous Black Fridays.

Development of an Action Plan

Based on the analysis of past years' situations, it's valuable to develop a precise action plan. Start preparations well in advance to ensure you have necessary purchases, such as additional equipment like terminals or PC stations that can help serve a larger number of customers, installed and your staff trained to fully benefit from them. Expanding areas that were sources of problems in previous periods can bring you tangible benefits and certainly help avoid losses due to shortages in that area.

Process and System Changes

Implementing process and system changes is crucial and also requires advance action. Plan the promotions you want to offer to customers in advance and make sure to inform warehouse management about them. They will have a chance to prepare the necessary resources. If you plan to offer bundles, pack them in advance to avoid last-minute product assembly. If a particular item will be offered at a particularly attractive price, move its stock closer to packing stations, and so on. It's also worth introducing new solutions, such as batch picking processes or automatic labeling. These changes can increase efficiency and shorten order processing times. When implementing changes, be sure to test them functionally and provide adequate training to employees to ensure they are an improvement rather than a hindrance.

Resources Are Worth Their Weight in Gold

An important part of preparations is not only adjusting processes but, above all, planning resources for Black Friday. Additional staff and transport resources may be necessary to cope with increased in-store traffic.

And, of course, the merchandise... The best processes won't help if there's nothing to pack and ship, so make sure to plan the inventory that matches your customers' preferences well in advance.

Planning for the Entire Year

Preparations for Black Friday start in January. Planning begins with a review of the previous season and the development of a change plan. The execution of tasks must be spread out over time because many of them cannot be completed in a short period, such as purchasing a new WMS system, establishing cooperation with a logistics or fulfillment operator, or switching from the current service provider to a new one. Only with such a long time horizon can this be organized.

Since we are publishing this set of tips at the end of October, you may not have enough time to fully implement them before the approaching peak sales period. However, you will be perfectly prepared for the next season. And if not... feel free to reach out to us 😉

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Black Friday is one of the most significant events in the retail calendar, attracting crowds of customers and generating massive revenues. For many companies,

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Oct 2023

Logistics is a key aspect in the realm of e-commerce. Customers expect swift and reliable delivery, and efficient order fulfillment becomes the key to the success of stores. In this context, let's consider the role of fulfillment and strategies to streamline this process.

The Role of Fulfillment in Customer Service

Fulfillment is not only the process of order realization and delivery but also an essential link in building trust and customer satisfaction. Properly managing the entire process certainly increases the chances that a customer who has once used the store's services will return in the future. Of course, the quality of the assortment is also of great importance, but that's a topic for another discussion. Recognizing such a vital role of logistical order processing, more and more companies appreciate the significance of this process. As a result, they invest in its optimization to meet the growing market expectations. What aspects are key here?

Customer Satisfaction: Proper packaging, quick shipping, and timely delivery contribute to a positive customer experience. When expectations are met or even exceeded, loyalty to the brand is built.

Error Reduction: A professional fulfillment process minimizes the risk of mistakes, such as shipping the wrong product. This way, the company can avoid the additional costs of returns and customer dissatisfaction.

Strategies for Improving Order-related Processes

Streamlining order-related processes is crucial for companies aiming to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

What aspects should be considered when streamlining processes?

Automation: Introducing automated warehouse management systems (WMS) and integrating them with e-commerce platforms allow for faster order processing. Automation eliminates manual errors and accelerates processes, such as picking and packing.

Data Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing order data helps identify areas for improvement. This may concern delivery time, packaging quality, or product availability.

Inventory Optimization: Adjusting inventory levels to actual demand minimizes the risk of product shortages in the warehouse, and thus – delays in order fulfillment.

Employee Training: Investing in training for staff responsible for order fulfillment increases work efficiency and reduces the risk of errors.

Collaboration with Suppliers: Good relations with suppliers enable better delivery planning and cost optimization.

It's clear now that fulfillment in customer service plays a pivotal role in the e-commerce industry. A satisfied customer is a loyal one who returns for more purchases and recommends the brand to others. To achieve this level of satisfaction, businesses must continuously improve order-related processes. Implementing modern technologies, data analysis, and investing in staff development are just some of the strategies that contribute to success in this area.

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Logistics is a key aspect in the realm of e-commerce. Customers expect swift and reliable delivery, and efficient order fulfillment becomes the key to

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 04 Sep 2023

Returns process in e-commerce, zwroty w e-commerce

Managing returns in e-commerce logistics (fulfillment) is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction. Many consumers evaluate online stores on base of their return policies. Managing returns is not only a logistical challenge but also an opportunity to build positive relationships with customers.

Clear return policy

Information on how to return an item, available at the time of purchase, increases the likelihood of a customer returning in the future and making repeat purchases. This is because the fact that describing the process, you are being transparent. The customer understands what can be returned, within what time frame, and in what condition. You should avoid complicated procedures and hidden fees. Consider offering free returns, especially for certain product categories.

If certain products are often returned due to defects, contact suppliers to improve quality or consider discontinuing that product line. You can also consider changing or diversifying suppliers.

Good product descriptions, detaliled pictures and reviews from other customers in online stores can help buyers make the right choice and ultimately reduce the level of returns. Most buyers pay attention to reviews of the store itself, as well as the specific product.

Appropriate packaging of shipped items can reduce the number of returns due to damage during transport. However, packaging alone is not enough. You should also carefully choose a courier or shipping company to ensure customers are satisfied with the delivery.

Providing buyers with multiple communication channels is a significant step towards improving customer service. The more options, the better. Most stores or platforms offer phone, email, and chat, making it easier to report problems and dispel any doubts regarding returns.

Not all returned products have the same value. While optimizing the process, consider different approaches depending on the value of the returned product.

What does the return process look like?

The customer must inform the store about the desire to return the purchased product. After notification, the seller checks if the request was made within the designated time and meets the other conditions specified in the store's return policy. The customer should receive all necessary information on how to return the goods (e.g., address, packaging method). The next step is for the customer to send the product back to the warehouse or service point. Upon receipt, the product is checked for any damages or missing items. If the product meets the return conditions, the buyer receives a refund or a replacement.

The final stage is analyzing the reasons for the return. Sellers should assess why a particular product was returned to avoid similar issues in the future.

How to effectively manage returns in e-commerce?

Do you run an online store? Respond quickly to return requests.

Facilitating the process through maximum automation using appropriate software for managing returns in logistics centers helps ensure a seamless experience.

An indispensable element of returns is informing customers about the return status at every stage of the process. On the other hand, store staff should know how to properly handle returns and communicate with customers on this issue.

When interacting with customers, it may sometimes be beneficial to make concessions compared to your standard return policy to build a relationship with them.

The key goal of managing returns is not only their efficient processing but also understanding the reasons behind them and making appropriate changes to minimize them in the future.

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Managing returns in e-commerce logistics (fulfillment) is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction. Many consumers evaluate online stores on base of their return policies. Managing

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 16 Aug 2023


If you sell furniture in the e-commerce model, you must read this text. Here you will find information and tips that can help you to increase your income.

Surely you are wondering how to spread your company's wings and start selling on new markets. Maybe it is worth to consider a foreign direction as an element of development?

Start of foreign sales - furniture logistics B2C

Why aren't you selling internationally yet? Perhaps this 3 biggest problems, which sellers face sending orders XXL, are holding you back:

  • complicated and expensive international delivery - you think that expensive pallet shipments are necessary to protect the goods from damage. Shipments in the courier model are not always possible, and if the courier company accepts dimensions of this type of parcels, they are reloaded many times, which means that they do not always reach the customer in perfect condition...
  • lack of knowledge of languages that would allow for efficient sales service, and then after-sales customer service,
  • lack of idea how to start building your possition of foreign market.

It is a pity, because the market of our neighbor, just beyond the western border, is still the absolute top among the directions of expansion.

If your company is not ready to prepare this project on its own, we offer assistance in solving the biggest of these problems, i.e. deliveries in Germany.

We will deliver your furniture to customers garden!

If you are still hesitating, check out what solutions we have prepared.

Our deliveries ensure:

  • transport without pallets (unless you consider it as necessary),
  • without reloading on the route from our warehouse to the customer's home,
  • delivery with our own fleet,
  • setting delivery date with the customer,
  • if you wish we can help the client to carry the goods from the truck to his home.

Thanks to such solutions, we reduce the risk of damage, and the customer will be served comprehensively!

Need some help? Contact us!

  If you sell furniture in the e-commerce model, you must read this text. Here you will find information and tips that can help

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 10 Jul 2023

Are you the owner of an online store that carries out all logistics operations within the company? I wonder when was the last time you had the opportunity to go on vacation…?
We mean such a real vacation, without a laptop and work even on the beach, without the phone ringing every now and then when you have to solve logistics problems so that orders go to customers, and without having to check the status of order fulfillment...
If you don't have time to rest, outsourcing logistics is the perfect solution for your store.

Reclaim your time, go on vacation, and then focus on growing your store instead of keeping an eye on ongoing operations! Entrust the logistics to us.

Take advantage of the help of an experienced team

What are the benefits of e-commerce logistics outsourcing? First of all, it will allow you to reduce the costs and stress associated with ongoing logistics services, thanks to several features of this service:

  • You don't have to hire employees who may not have work during the period of weaker sales. All processes will be carried out by our warehouse service team. We have employees who have many years of experience in this area and you do not have to teach them everything from scratch.
  • There is no need to rent a large warehouse, which is only filled during periods of increased sales. When you work with us, you only pay for the space actually occupied and operations performed. And you take up as much space as you need - more during peak sales, less in the off-season.
  • The store owner does not have to constantly supervise the order fulfillment process. That is why the solution we propose is perfect during the holiday season (but not only 😊). As the owner of an online store, you can easily go on vacation, the shipments will be sent anyway thanks to the automation of our processes.

Does your store need more options?
EUROCOMMERCE will also allow you to scale sales on foreign markets, with the same delivery time as in Poland.
Don't wait any longer and give yourself a chance to rest! Everyone deserves it 😉
Contact us or leave us your contact information, we will get back to you for sure!

Are you the owner of an online store that carries out all logistics operations within the company? I wonder when was the last time

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 10 Jul 2023

Robotization and computerization have long gained a strong position in the industry. Logistics is not lagging behind in the use of technology achievements. A fulfillment service tailored to the customer's needs would not be possible without the appropriate technological facilities. Customers require high standards and facilities that will allow for fast and error-free shipment of goods, which translates into trouble-free sales, often in many channels at the same time. Omnichannel is practically a standard today.

Today, modern warehouses often use various technical solutions to provide efficient service and fast shipment of products.

What amenities appear in the warehouse?

IT systems

Let's start with the IT systems necessary for the operation of the warehouse for the fulfillment service.

A must have in every modern warehouse is the WMS warehouse system, which allows you to optimize and manage warehouse processes. Its main function is to connect all levels of warehouse logistics. The WMS system can also be integrated with other systems, such as ERP systems or transport management solutions. The WMS should ensure the automation of order management and the organization of warehouse work at the highest level, as is the case in EUROCOMMERCE.

Warehouse automation

The automation of warehouse processes allows you to streamline the handling of online store customer orders. What is hidden behind the concept of warehouse automation? It is a very broad concept, covering many issues.

In this regard, the following can be distinguished:

  • Conveyors used to transport containers, pallets and packages in a warehouse.
  • Sorters, intended for sorting goods and containers during transport.
  • The shuttle system is a modern solution that is used to store goods in huge rack systems without access for people. The pallets or containers in which the goods are stored are transported from the racking system to the picking or issuing zones, depending on the system configuration.
  • Elevator/carousel racks are used to store typically luxury products. Thanks to this solution, only a designated group of employees has access to the goods.
  • Flow/moving racks – on one side they are loaded with pallets, on the other side these pallets are picked up.
  • Robots for the transport of racks, in this case the rule of picking goods to a person is used, thanks to which the density of racks in the warehouse can be increased - the so-called picker - a person to pick orders.

In addition to innovations in the field of storage and transport of goods in the warehouse, there are also solutions that facilitate the identification of goods and their flawless picking by the staff, such as:

  • RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) – pallets marked with rfid tags can be transported by a forklift equipped with a reader. The forklift operator does not need to scan such pallets because the system knows what kind of pallet it is when it is loaded onto the forks. After transporting it, e.g. to the gate, the scanners on the gate read such a pallet (there are many possibilities of using such tags),
  • Pick by light or pack by light systems are a solution that supports people in picking and packing, indicating a specific product or place with light.
  • Pick/pack by voice voice systems, in headphones, the warehouse worker hears a message about what to pick.

These are just some of the modern systems supporting work in logistics centers. Equipping the warehouse of the future will be fundamental to its proper operation. EUROCOMMERCE is constantly developing its base so that all processes run smoothly, using solutions that are best suited to the specificity of the fulfillment center.

Are you looking for a fulfillment partner?

Contact us and learn about our processes ->>

Robotization and computerization have long gained a strong position in the industry. Logistics is not lagging behind in the use of technology achievements. A

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 17 May 2023


We have been observing the development of e-commerce for years, supporting the development of Polish sellers in scaling their businesses. Thanks to this, we know that effective cooperation requires flexibility. At EUROCOMMERCE, we operate in a bipolar manner, thanks to this solution we can cope with the most complex deliveries and optimize customer costs.

What is this bipolarity? In our offer, customers will find a courier standard serviced on the basis of agreements with operators, as well as XXL logistics run by us. And it is XXL logistics that this text will be devoted to.

XXL logistics - why is it worth selling to Germany, also large dimensions?

It is worth analyzing the opportunities and threats resulting from the launch of a new sales direction. Times are not easy and many companies are looking for solutions that will be an additional source of income for them. Acting today, you build the foundations of future profits and development of your company. So it's worth considering non-obvious options.

By selling online, you can reach customers in different markets, but in the case of oversized goods, the most difficult piece of the puzzle is logistics.

Oversized shipments are rejected by courier companies that have a long-term policy, preferring small shipments that generate the highest margin and allow maximum use of space in transport. Large shipments are limited. If they fall within the limits, various surcharges are often added to them anyway. And the transport of large and heavy shipments in this model means that they often reach the customer in a condition that does not allow them to be used. There are complaints, returns, exchanges and in extreme cases also resignation from the purchase.

This is where EUROCOMMERCE comes into play. If you are considering starting sales abroad, but the problem with the logistics of XXL goods takes away your motivation, we will take care of it. We saw a niche in this field. After analyzing the situation, we found a way to bypass the barriers related to the delivery of oversized products.

Our and our clients' experience shows that a well-planned process allows for success even in difficult conditions. Thanks to EUROCOMMERCE XXL, furniture sent from our distribution center reaches individual customers in Germany without damage. From Poland to the end customer, without any reloading.

How do we do it?

We work with our own fleet, so the probability of any damage is practically zero. Our procedures assume that the goods go from the warehouse directly to the recipient - without reloading, which generates most of the damage. If it is not necessary, we do not transport furniture on pallets - thanks to this solution, the risk of moving and damaging the goods is minimized. The delivery time is always agreed over the phone by the staff communicating in the customer's language.

Transport leaving Zielona Góra reaches recipients in subsequent locations in Germany. The route is determined by the freight forwarder who contacts the recipients. The freight forwarder confirms the presence of the consignees during the planned delivery. Customers know what time the transport will arrive. If the date does not suit him, he may set a different delivery date. In most cases, the parcel reaches the recipient within 48 hours. from posting.

Are you looking for a logistics partner to deliver furniture directly to customers?
Contact us ->>.

We have been observing the development of e-commerce for years, supporting the development of Polish sellers in scaling their businesses. Thanks to this, we

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 17 May 2023

Fulfillment - jak wybrać odpowiedniego partnera

Fulfillment is a logistics service that is becoming more and more popular every year. This is a proposal for companies that have online stores, but for various reasons do not want to develop logistics structures.

What is fulfillment about? How to choose a partner? What to look for when making decisions? You will find the answers in this text.

What is Fulfillment?

Fulfillment is a service thanks to which an online store transfers the handling of its own e-commerce orders to an external operator. The services of companies offering fulfillment are most often used by online stores:

  • in which up to several thousand parcels are sent monthly,
  • shops run by very small teams,
  • Companies for which e-commerce is one of the areas of activity and do not want to focus on logistics.

What to look for when choosing a fulfillment partner?

To choose the right partner, you need to pay attention to several important details.

The first thing is to verify the conditions in which the goods will be stored.
Store owners cannot afford to sell poorly stored, damaged, damp, etc. goods. This can directly affect the quality of the items offered, and thus, frequent complaints and bad opinions about the online store.

The second area to pay attention to is customer service. This is one of the key aspects in business where the speed of response to any problems with orders is extremely important. You need to be sure that all the processes related to contacting you regarding orders not carried out in accordance with the arrangements, necessary assistance in contacts with courier companies and questions run smoothly.

Another aspect that needs to be taken into account is the integration of systems with an external warehouse. Here everything has to be buttoned up to the last button. After all, you cannot afford any oversights and errors in the flow of data between systems. Incompatible software can have a huge impact on both the quality of customer service and, above all, the correctness and speed of sending orders.

For many people running stores, an important factor is the handling of returns by a partner that offers fulfillment. As you know, returns are a constant element in online sales. It is therefore important that it is an offer of the company we are considering. Some sources[1] say that returns account for as much as 35% of purchased goods.

Other areas are services and solutions that can improve the operation of the store and even enable its scaling. If your fulfillment provider offers next-day delivery services and international shipments, then the presence of these forms of delivery in the store's offer can convince potential customers to buy in your store. It is said that time is money, and the next day delivery option often determines the customer's choice of which store to use. The faster the delivery, the happier the customer.

International shipments, on the other hand, are a chance for your store to exist not only in Poland, but also abroad. It gives the opportunity to build the presence and brand awareness in subsequent markets, and thus allows for risk diversification and profit scaling when working with one logistics partner.

If all these conditions are met, the client has no choice but to sign the contract.

Learn more about the benefits of working with us.


Fulfillment is a logistics service that is becoming more and more popular every year. This is a proposal for companies that have online stores,

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Order picking – methods and types

Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 05 Jul 2024

  The efficiency of warehouse processes is becoming crucial in the dynamically changing world of e-commerce. One of the most important elements of efficient

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Kategoria : all, last published Komentarze : 0 Autor : KMMF Data : 17 May 2023

Fulfillment in e-commerce is the process of order fulfillment, which includes all steps from accepting goods to the warehouse, through placing an order by the customer, to delivering the product to him and possible handling of returns. Its characteristic feature is that it can be separated as a separate area related to logistics and outsourced to a logistics company that specializes in such activities.

Key aspects of online store service in the fulfillment model

The key aspects of fulfillment in stores operating in the e-commerce model are primarily activities related to the order processing process. This process includes the following steps:

1. Storage of goods in the logistics center

This stage begins with the acceptance of the delivery, during which the goods must be checked and properly distributed in the warehouse. Proper storage of products is crucial for effective fulfillment.

Adequate stock levels must be maintained in the warehouse so that orders can be filled quickly. This, of course, remains on the side of sales managers. Fulfillment is the outsourcing of logistics services related to the shipment of orders to the end recipient. It is also necessary to ensure adequate security and organization in the warehouse, and this is already the responsibility of the warehouse service of the logistics company that performs the fulfillment of the online store. Any company can introduce its regulations here. At EUROCOMMERCE, we distinguish 2 types of goods receipt into the warehouse - the customer chooses which model is suitable for him:

a) Acceptance to the warehouse on the basis of a notification - we verify the number of collective packages delivered to the warehouse and on this basis we accept the delivery in full. In a situation where, over time, it turns out that the actual quantities and stock levels do not match, the customer assumes responsibility for these discrepancies. Acceptance of delivery takes less time than the second option.

b) admission to the warehouse after full quantitative verification - the delivery is counted in full and any quantity discrepancies that occur later are the responsibility of the logistics center. Acceptance of delivery takes longer than in the first variant.

2. Completing and packing orders

After receiving an order in the system, employees must quickly find products in the warehouse and pack them in such a way that, on the one hand, it is economical, and on the other hand, it allows to protect the products against damage during transport. Packing online orders takes place under time pressure, because the so-called. cut off, i.e. the time of collection of parcels by courier companies, is fixed, and it is in the interest of the stores to send them as soon as possible.

3. Shipment of the order to the customer

Fast and reliable shipping is key to buyer satisfaction. It can be said that this is such a logistic customer service. Formally, it is part of the purchase process, but the client often evaluates it as a way to take care of the subject after the transaction itself. E-shops should offer various delivery options, such as courier, parcel locker or personal collection, so that customers can choose what best suits their needs. Working with a logistics center that provides fulfillment services, you often have more choice and much more flexibility in choosing the method of delivery of goods to your customers. Customers expect up-to-date information on the status of their order. That is why tracking and current information on the status of the order are very important. In EUROCOMMERCE, which also works with foreign carriers, the store does not have to communicate with carriers on its own. If disturbing or incomprehensible information appears in the tracking, the EUROCOMMERCE customer service department clarifies it directly at the source.

4. Returns handling

Dissatisfied customers can return the products. In practice, some industries struggle with high order return rates. Their service in the logistics center does not absorb the team as much as in their own warehouse.

E-commerce operates on the basis of an ecosystem of cooperating tools that allow for a quick exchange of information between individual systems. When considering a solution such as external logistics service, you should first of all verify whether the company offering fulfillment allows you to integrate the online store with the warehouse and the warehouse with other systems, such as baselinker.

The number of systems is growing along with the development of the store, when more and more extensive sales processes are implemented in the online store and new markets are served. It is crucial that various systems, such as the WMS warehouse system, the store system through which orders are received, as well as solutions that integrate sales from various channels, e.g. marketplace platforms, work coherently to ensure a fast and effective fulfillment process and not to let errors occur and inventory discrepancies.

What is important here is not only the correct operation of the system and providing the right data, although this is of course the most important issue from the point of view of the shipment. Proper processing and protection of personal data is also important here. The customers of the logistics center providing fulfillment are companies, i.e. online stores, but the customers of online stores are natural persons. This generates very large amounts of personal data, and their protection is an important element of the operation of any company.

The role of fulfillment in the online sales process

All the discussed aspects are crucial for effective fulfillment. And what is his role? Very important!

Fulfillment has a big impact on the final level of customer satisfaction. The owner of the online store outsources logistics processes to an external company, thus losing a direct impact on the customer experience resulting from the way the order is packed and the delivery time. All processes are carried out by employees of the logistics company responsible for the fulfillment of store orders.

Logistic support for online stores plays a key role in the modern e-commerce model, because it is a process that connects sellers and customers. Sellers - on their own or with the use of an external company, when running an online store, must effectively perform the processes described above as crucial for fulfillment in order to meet customer expectations and build their loyalty. This can contribute to success in e-commerce. A partner who removes this obligation from the seller and approaches the logistics of orders in a professional manner is an undoubted advantage of any business.

Are you looking for a proven partner in e-commerce logistics?

EUROCOMMERCE has been operating on the market since 2016. Get to know our processes ->>


EUROCOMMERCE działa na rynku od 2016 roku. Poznaj nasze procesy ->>


Fulfillment in e-commerce is the process of order fulfillment, which includes all steps from accepting goods to the warehouse, through placing an order by

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